Do you have a job offer, an apartment for rent or something to sell? has the perfect category for you! Posting a classified ad is quick and easy. Just select your desired category, follow a few simple steps, and your ad will be live and visible to users instantly. Whatever you're posting, maximize your reach by posting on!
Advertise your business brand to thousands of online users with Our audience is highly engaged and influential, offering you the opportunity to reach your ideal customers. Choose from our affordable and effective advertising options to target your market. Simply select a category and list your business in our comprehensive directory with a few easy steps. When it comes to online advertising, stands out from the rest!
Boost your business and drive sales with our effective and targeted graphic banner and video ads. Customize your banner to make your business stand out and attract attention. We offer a range of spot and size options at affordable rates. Our banners are rotated for maximum exposure, ensuring your brand reaches the widest audience possible. Additionally, you can link your banner to your external website to increase visitor traffic. Start today by selecting a spot, and let us handle the rest!
Spot# | Description | Display Page | Pixel Size | Monthly |
1 | Top Leaderboard | All Pages | 700x87 | $10 |
2 | Top Right Rectangle | Homepage | 476x320 | $10 |
3 | Left/Right Vertical | Homepage | 176x660 | $10 |
4 | Left/Right Vertical | Homepage | 176x465 | $10 |
5 | Left Vertical | Homepage | 276x485 | $10 |
6 | Between Horizontal | General Classified Listings | 1142x141 | $10 |
7 | Rectangle | Inside Classified Listing | 376x400 | $10 |
8 | Rectangle | General Directory Listings | 276x386 | $10 |
9 | Rectangle | Inside Directory Listing | 376x400 | $10 |
10 | Video | Homepage | Dynamic Rotation | $10 |
All Rates in USD
Static Graphic Rates